• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P


Fifty-year investigation of the correlation between the geomagnetic field and climate

  • 摘要: 地磁场与气候相关性研究五十年,人们并没有完全理解地磁场变化如何调控气候,反而更深刻地意识到这个问题远比之前想象的要复杂. 本文从不同的时空尺度梳理了过去五十年间对于地磁场与气候关联性的研究. 研究表明,从万年尺度的地磁倒转、千年尺度的地磁漂移、到百年尺度的考古地磁急变,甚至年代际的地磁活动变化,各种尺度的地磁场变化与气候之间都存在显著的关联. 然而,相关性并不代表因果性,地磁场影响气候变化的潜在机制仍然存在争论. 宇宙射线生成云机制是目前最有潜力的地磁场调控气候的过程,它在不同的时间尺度上有效地发挥作用,但其确切的物理机制和相对重要性仍然是悬而未决的问题. 本文提议,应当从日地多圈层耦合的角度去理解地磁场与气候的关联性,并重点关注区域气候系统对区域磁场变化的响应. 从古到今、从点到面,最终形成关联地磁场与气候变化的全球图像. 如今,可精细刻画南大西洋异常区(SAA)磁场变化的澳科一号的成功发射,百年尺度的西太平洋磁异常区(WPA)的首次发现以及古地磁/考古地磁和古气候数据重构的快速发展为地磁场与气候研究提供了新的历史机遇,地磁场变化对气候的影响研究将被推向新的高潮.


    Abstract: After 50 years of research on the correlation between the geomagnetic field and climate, we have gained a deeper understanding that the regulation of climate by geomagnetic field changes is far more complex than previously imagined. In this paper, we comprehensively review the research connecting the geomagnetic field and climate over the past 50 years, examining different spatial and temporal scales. Our results demonstrate a significant correlation between geomagnetic field changes and climate at various scales, including millennial-scale geomagnetic reversals, thousand-year-scale geomagnetic shifts, centennial-scale geomagnetic abrupt, and even decadal-scale variations in geomagnetic activity. The Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic reversal is associated with the cold climate. The increase in galactic cosmic rays (GCR) during this period gave rise to the formation of low-altitude cloud "umbrella effects", subsequently weakening the East Asian summer monsoon and intensifying the East Asian winter monsoon. Archaeomagnetic data from Mesopotamia remarkably illustrates a consistent correlation between four cold periods in the last three thousand years and a sudden increase in geomagnetic anomalies. Exploring the possibility that these geomagnetic anomalies correspond to extreme tilts of the Earth's dipole, it is hypothesized that auroral ovals and sub-auroral regions may have expanded to lower latitudes. In these regions, cosmic rays potentially interacted with a more humid troposphere, resulting in increased cloud cover and, consequently, observed atmospheric cooling. Changes in GCR flux, induced by solar activity and variations in the geomagnetic field, are proposed to have significant implications for alterations in temperate pressure systems, precipitation patterns, and atmospheric electric fields. These effects play diverse roles within the intricately coupled system of the Earth's atmosphere and the near-Earth space environment. However, it's important to note that correlation does not imply causation, and the potential mechanisms by which the geomagnetic field influences climate change are still a subject of debate. The cosmic ray-cloud mechanism is the most promising avenue for understanding how the geomagnetic field regulates climate, operating effectively across different time scales, but its exact physical mechanisms and relative importance remain unresolved issues. We propose that understanding the correlation between the geomagnetic field and climate from the perspective of solar-terrestrial multisphere coupling is crucial, with a specific focus on the response of regional climate systems to changes in regional magnetic fields. By integrating knowledge from ancient times to the present, from regional to global perspectives, we aim to form a comprehensive understanding of the correlation between the geomagnetic field and climate change. The recent successful launch of Aoke-1, which can delicately characterize magnetic field changes in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), the first discovery of the centennial-scale western Pacific anomaly (WPA), and the rapid development of paleomagnetic/archaeomagnetic and paleoclimate data reconstruction have provided new historical opportunities for research on the geomagnetic field and climate. This progress indicates that the study of the impact of geomagnetic field changes on climate will be propelled to new heights.


