• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P


Advancements in the study of collisionless magnetic reconnection and plasma waves

  • 摘要: 磁场重联与等离子体波动之间存在显著的联系. 其中准静态波动、激波和动力学阿尔芬波的本征模是磁重联结构的重要组成部分. 而其它的高频波动,不仅能吸收粒子的自由能,还可以导致粒子的加热和反常电阻的产生. 这些多尺度的波动过程揭示了磁重联中能量转换的多尺度性质. 本文探讨了地球磁层磁重联过程中的各种等离子体波动,涵盖了动力学阿尔芬波、低混杂波、哨声波、静电孤波、离子声波以及电子尺度的高频静电波,并分析了它们在磁重联中的特性和作用. 近期的研究成果表明,动力学阿尔芬波(kinetic Alfven wave, KAW)能够描述磁重联区域的微观结构,其中包括霍尔磁场、霍尔电场、平行电场、霍尔电流以及场向电流. 在这一过程中,霍尔电场作用于离子,有助于提高重联速率. 低混杂波主要在电流片的密度梯度较大处被激发,并对电子进行平行加热. 而哨声波是由朗道共振和回旋共振机制驱动的. 据当前研究所示,低混杂波和哨声波对于重联过程中的反常电阻效应的影响是次要的. 静电孤波多在磁重联分界线区域出现,其对等离子体的加热效应仍需进一步研究. 与此同时,关于高频静电波(例如高混杂波和电子伯恩斯坦波)的研究重点在于磁重联的扩散区,这些波被认为对该区域中的电子能量转换过程起到了关键作用. 这些最新研究成果为深化我们对磁重联以及等离子体波动的理解提供了宝贵的参考.


    Abstract: Magnetic reconnection and plasma waves share a critical connection. On the one hand, quasi-steady wave structures (shock, KAW eigenmode) play a pivotal role in the formation and structure of magnetic reconnection. On the other hand, higher-frequency and small-scale waves may influence energy conversion, particle heating, and anomalous resistivity. Waves of various scales dictate the multi-scale coupling characteristics and energy conversion within the reconnection process. This review focuses on plasma waves during the Earth's magnetosphere magnetic reconnection, seeking to elucidate the characteristics and roles of kinetic Alfven waves (KAW), low hybrid waves, whistler waves, electrostatic solitary waves (ESWs), ion acoustic waves, and electron-scale high-frequency electrostatic waves. The KAW eigenmode is capable of describing various phenomena in the diffusion region such as Hall magnetic fields and Hall electric fields, significantly impacting the reconnection rate. Lower hybrid waves are easily excited in the strong density gradient in the current layer and found to heat electrons in the parallel direction, while whistler waves are excited through Landau resonance and cyclotron resonance. Both whistler waves and lower hybrid waves are found to exhibit minimal influence on the reconnection rate through the anomalous resistivity. ESWs predominantly emerge within the magnetic reconnection boundary region, necessitating further investigation into their heating effects. Finally, the review delves into high-frequency electrostatic waves, emphasizing their importance in the magnetic reconnection diffusion region, specifically for electron diffusion and scattering processes. The insights gained from these research advancements serve as a foundation for future studies and advancements in the field of magnetic reconnection and plasma wave interactions.


