• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P
李心怡,李抒予,高原,夏新宇. 2024. 青藏高原东部深部构造与动力学机制研究进展——来自第9届与第10届WTGTP研讨会的启示. 地球与行星物理论评(中英文),55(2):205-216. DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2023-026
引用本文: 李心怡,李抒予,高原,夏新宇. 2024. 青藏高原东部深部构造与动力学机制研究进展——来自第9届与第10届WTGTP研讨会的启示. 地球与行星物理论评(中英文),55(2):205-216. DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2023-026
Li X Y, Li S Y, Gao Y, Xia X Y. 2024. Advancements in deep tectonics and dynamic mechanisms beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau—Inspirations from the 9th and 10th WTGTP Workshops. Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 55(2): 205-216 (in Chinese). DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2023-026
Citation: Li X Y, Li S Y, Gao Y, Xia X Y. 2024. Advancements in deep tectonics and dynamic mechanisms beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau—Inspirations from the 9th and 10th WTGTP Workshops. Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 55(2): 205-216 (in Chinese). DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2023-026


Advancements in deep tectonics and dynamic mechanisms beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau—Inspirations from the 9th and 10th WTGTP Workshops

  • 摘要: 青藏高原深部构造与动力学机制一直是深部地球物理与大陆动力学的重点研究领域. 青藏高原东部地形起伏剧烈,地震活动频繁,金属与油气矿床丰富,揭示出青藏高原东部极为复杂的壳幔结构与深部变形及非常强烈的深部物质运动. 近年来,随着地球物理综合观测技术、深部结构成像方法、地球动力学模拟等研究的快速发展,围绕青藏高原东部的深部构造、块体运动、深部动力模式、强震活动与深部蕴震机制及成矿深部构造等方面进展显著. 青藏高原东部构造与地球物理研讨会(WTGTP)是围绕青藏高原东部深部结构与动力学机制、资源开发、地质灾害等相关地球科学问题按年度召开的学术交流研讨会. 本文基于2021年和2022年召开的第九届和第十届WTGTP的会议报告,结合近年来的相关研究成果,围绕印度—欧亚板块碰撞、构造变形特征与动力学机制以及强震活动与深部蕴震机制等主要内容,介绍了青藏高原东部的地球物理结构及深部构造变形与动力学机制的研究进展. 初步展望了青藏高原深部构造与地球物理研究前景,期望能给相关科研人员提供一点有益的参考.


    Abstract: The Tibetan Plateau, known as the "Roof of the World" , is one of the most tectonically complex areas on Earth. Its deep tectonics and dynamical mechanisms have been the focus of intense research in the fields of deep geophysics and continental dynamics. The eastern Tibetan Plateau is characterized by strong topographic fluctuations, frequent seismic activities, and abundant metal deposits, which reveal the extremely complex crust–mantle structure, deep deformation, and intense deep material movement. In recent years, with the rapid development of comprehensive geophysical observation techniques, deep structure imaging methods, and geodynamic simulations, significant progress has been made in deep tectonics, block motions, deep dynamic models, strong seismic activity, deep seismic mechanisms, as well as the deep structure of metal mineralization in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The Workshop on Tectonics and Geophysics in the east part of Tibetan Plateau (WTGTP) is an annual academic exchange symposium for the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. The 9th and 10th conferences were held in Xichang, China, in 2021 and online in 2022, respectively. Based on the reports of these conferences, in combination with the relevant research results in recent years, this paper focuses on the India–Eurasian plate collision, tectonic deformation and dynamic mechanisms, and strong earthquake activity and deep seismic mechanisms in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The paper describes the research progress pertaining to the tectonic structure, deep structural deformation, and dynamic mechanisms of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The research prospects of further delineating the deep structure and geophysics of the Tibetan Plateau are preliminarily addressed, with the goal of providing a useful reference for interested researchers. The research in this field has great significance because it enhances our understanding of the deep tectonic processes that shape the Tibetan Plateau. Such knowledge could have implications for predicting and mitigating seismic hazards in the region. Additionally, research into the metallogenic tectonics of the eastern Tibetan Plateau may provide insights into the formation of mineral deposits in other parts of the world. Overall, research into the deep tectonics and dynamical mechanisms of the Tibetan Plateau is a complex and challenging field that requires the use of advanced technology and multidisciplinary approaches. The WTGTP provides a valuable forum for researchers to share their findings and collaborate on solutions to these geologically complex problems.


