• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P


Impacts of tropospheric ozone pollution on plant physiology: Current status and future perspectives

  • 摘要: 对流层臭氧是一种存在于近地面、对动植物有害的光化学污染物,定量评估和研究其对植物生理的影响和机制对保障全球粮食安全和人体健康具有至关重要的作用. 由于过去三十年的快速工业化和城市化,对流层臭氧浓度正以每年约0.5%~2%的速度上升. 针对当前臭氧污染加剧的情况,根据前人的基础理论研究和实验探索,本文就臭氧对植物表观、花粉和光合作用的影响特征及机制进行了总结和分析,得到以下认识:(1)臭氧污染下植物叶片受损、光合速率和固碳能力下降,影响干物质的积累与分配,是造成作物减产的主要原因;(2)臭氧污染导致花粉细胞膜受损,细胞脂质过氧化,改变了过敏原蛋白质的结构,增加了人体呼吸道过敏的风险. 受损的化石花粉在沉积物中也有发现,通常与大规模生物灭绝同时期,推测与火山爆发或全球快速变暖导致的臭氧浓度增加有关. 这些发现表明应加强自然环境下臭氧对植物生态习性的影响研究,重视植物地下生态过程的影响,开展缓解臭氧对作物影响和耐臭氧品种选育的研究.


    Abstract: Tropospheric ozone, mainly produced by chemical reactions that involve the photo-chemical oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of nitrogen oxide (NOx), is an air pollutant that adversely impacts human health and natural vegetation. Due to rapid industrialization and urbanization over the last three decades, tropospheric ozone concentrations are rising at a rate of ~0.5%–2% per year. By 2040, ozone concentrations are projected to reach 35–48 ppb (currently ~31 ppb). Thus, the assessment of the effects of this increase on plant physiology is important for ensuring global food security and human health. In this paper, we review the effects of tropospheric ozone pollution on plant physiology, including the visible damage to leaves and roots, changes in photosynthetic rate, carbon sequestration capacity, and the structure of pollen grains. The results show that continuous exposure to high ozone concentrations cause: (1) visible foliar injury, and reduction in the photosynthetic rate and carbon sequestration capacity, which in turn affect the accumulation and distribution of dry matter and consequently reduces crop yields; and (2) damage to cell membranes, protein of pollen grains, and lipid peroxidation in cells, which may increase the risk of respiratory allergies in humans. The response of plants to ozone varies with species, plant growth stage and climatic conditions. Damaged fossil pollen grains have been observed in the sediments of the end-Devonian and the end-Permian, coeval with mass extinction events, which was attributed to increased ozone concentrations resulting from either volcanic eruptions or rapid global warming. These findings highlight the urgent need for research on the impacts of ozone on plant ecological habits in the natural environment, especially on below-ground ecological processes, as well as on measures to mitigate the impacts of ozone on crops and the selection of ozone-resistant crops.


