• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P


Comparative analysis of underground and ground-level tilt and acceleration

  • 摘要: R-2型旋转地震仪可同时记录旋转三分量、MEMS加速度以及倾斜角度. 利用在淮南深地实验室地面和深部地下实施的两期连续观测数据,本文分析了地面和地下加速度与倾斜观测中背景噪声的差异. 结果表明:相比于地面,深地环境背景噪声干扰更弱,频谱上二者差异可达10 dB,说明深地环境具有低振动噪声的优势. 利用倾斜数据对MEMS加速度进行倾斜校正,校正前后的对比结果显示倾斜对加速度测量具有不可忽略的影响. 地倾斜信号的时频分析结果表明,相对于地表环境,深地环境有利于进行长周期微弱地球形变信号的检测. 本文还分析了固体潮信号观测的精度要求与现有仪器的不足,证明了在深地环境下进行高精度观测的必要性.


    Abstract: The R-2 rotary seismograph can record rotating three components, MEMS acceleration, and tilt angle. In this study, the difference between ground acceleration and tilted background noise were analyzed using two phases of continuous observation data implemented in the ground and deep underground of the Huainan Deep Earth Laboratory. It was found that the deep earth environmental background interference was weaker, with background noise differences on the spectrum of up to 10 dB, showing that the Deep Earth Laboratory has superior conditions regarding low vibration and noise. The contrast before and after the skew correction of the MEMS acceleration using the tilt data revealed that the tilt had a non-negligible influence. The time-frequency analysis showed that the deep earth environment was favorable relative to the surface environment. The precision requirements of solid tide signal observations and shortcomings of existing instruments were also analyzed, proving the necessity of high precision observations in the deep earth environment.


