• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P
黄周传. 2022. 地震体波速度与各向异性层析成像研究进展. 地球与行星物理论评,53(6):656-679. DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2022-018
引用本文: 黄周传. 2022. 地震体波速度与各向异性层析成像研究进展. 地球与行星物理论评,53(6):656-679. DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2022-018
Huang Z C. 2022. Review on body-wave tomography for seismic velocity and anisotropy. Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 53(6): 656-679 (in Chinese). DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2022-018
Citation: Huang Z C. 2022. Review on body-wave tomography for seismic velocity and anisotropy. Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 53(6): 656-679 (in Chinese). DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2022-018


Review on body-wave tomography for seismic velocity and anisotropy

  • 摘要: 地震层析成像被称为地球CT,是利用地震观测资料反演获得地球深部的结构. 利用体波走时反演速度结构是最稳定、最重要的层析成像方法,成功地揭示了地球的深部结构,推动了地球科学的发展. 近年来,随着地震数据的快速积累与计算机能力的大幅度提升,地震体波成像的理论与应用均取得了显著的进步,在揭示地球内部的物质循环与动力学、大地震的孕震与发震构造等领域均发挥了重要的作用. 本文总结了21世纪以来地震体波成像的新方法和取得的重要进展,特别详细描述了各向异性层析成像的原理和方法. 结合东亚、东南亚地区的研究,本文总结了地震层析成像在揭示俯冲板片的形态、结构的应用,发现东亚地区俯冲太平洋板片大规模滞留在地幔转换带中,但在东南亚大量的俯冲印度—澳大利亚板片直接穿过转换带进入下地幔;地震波各向异性进一步约束了俯冲板片及其上覆地幔的变形特征,东亚地区存在强烈的大地幔楔对流,东南亚的上地幔对流相对复杂,并可能受到青藏高原演化的影响. 在大地震构造区,地震层析成像揭示了明显的速度和结构异常,陆内大地震的震源附近常常发现低速异常,可能指示了流体对大地震的重要影响;在板块边界,发生在俯冲带逆冲断层面的板间大地震与高速异常的分布密切相关,各向异性反映了断层面的应力状态,可以用来研究逆冲断层面的地震构造. 最后,本文探讨了地震体波层析成像存在的问题,展望了该方法如何在地球内部结构演化与动力学领域进一步发挥更大、更重要的作用.


    Abstract: Seismic tomography, also named Earth CT, uses the observational seismic data to invert for the deep structures in the Earth. Body-wave travel-time tomography is one of the most popular and robust methods; it has revealed clear Earth structures and promoted the development of Earth Sciences. The past decades are important for seismic tomography because of the rapid accumulation of the observational seismic data and the increasing computer power. New results have successfully revealed the cycles of the materials and geodynamics within the Earth, the structures and seismotectonics of large earthquakes. This review summarizes the developments and new achievements of body-wave tomography in the new century. In East and Southeast Asia, seismic tomography revealed the geometry and structures of the subducting slabs, which stagnate in the mantle transition zone under East Asia but penetrate into the lower mantle directly under Southeast Asia. Seismic anisotropy further constrains on the upper mantle flows above the slabs, which are characterized as mantle convection in the big mantle wedge in East Asia while complex mantle flow probably affected by the Tibetan Plateau in Southeast Asia. In the source regions of large earthquakes, significant velocity and structural heterogeneities were revealed. Continental earthquakes are found to be related to the low velocity zones that may indicate the important role of the fluids. By contrast, the interplate earthquakes are related to the high velocity anomalies on the megathrust zones, where seismic anisotropy reflects the stress field on the fault plane and so provide essential constrains on the seismotectonics. Finally, this review discusses some technical items in body-wave travel-time tomography and how it can improve the understanding of the internal evolution and dynamics of the Earth in the future.


