• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P
张捷,况文欢,张雄,莫程康,张东晓. 2021. 全球油气开采诱发地震的研究现状与对策. 地球与行星物理论评,52(3):239-265. DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2020-027
引用本文: 张捷,况文欢,张雄,莫程康,张东晓. 2021. 全球油气开采诱发地震的研究现状与对策. 地球与行星物理论评,52(3):239-265. DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2020-027
Zhang J, Kuang W H, Zhang X, Mo C K, Zhang D X. 2021. Global review of induced earthquakes in oil and gas production fields. Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 52(3): 239-265. DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2020-027
Citation: Zhang J, Kuang W H, Zhang X, Mo C K, Zhang D X. 2021. Global review of induced earthquakes in oil and gas production fields. Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 52(3): 239-265. DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2020-027


Global review of induced earthquakes in oil and gas production fields

  • 摘要: 人工诱发地震现象已经有很久的历史. 水库蓄水、采矿、地热开发、从地下提取液体或气体,或将液体注入地球内部都可能诱发地震. 大量地震监测数据与科学分析结果显示:美国俄克拉何马州的地震剧增主要与页岩油气开采的废水回注量相关;加拿大阿尔伯塔省的地震剧增主要与页岩油气开采水力压裂的工作量相关;而荷兰罗宁根天然气田的传统天然气开采也同样诱发了较强的地震活动. 在中国四川盆地的页岩油气开发区域,地震活动近几年也大幅度增强,但目前监测与科研工作较少,对某些地震成因尚有争议. 目前研究诱发地震问题已成为学术界与工业界的一门专业学科. 推断诱发地震,除了分析时空分布与工业活动的相关性之外,本文综述了该领域基于地震学、地质动力学、构造地质学的多种分析方法. 如何在油气开采过程中减少诱发地震的灾害影响成为当前相关各界极为关注的科研问题,本文介绍了多个国家或地区建立的控制诱发地震的管理系统、基于地震大数据的诱发地震概率预测方法,以及基于地球物理与地质信息的综合诱发地震风险评估方法,并对我国控制诱发地震问题提出建设性意见.


    Abstract: Human-induced earthquakes have a long history, which could be caused by impoundment of reservoirs, underground mining, geothermal operations, oil and gas production, and wastewater injection. Analyses of seismicity and other monitoring data suggest: (1) rapid increase of seismicity during 2009~2015 in Oklahoma, USA was mainly due to deep disposal of wastewater from oil and gas extraction; (2) sharp increase of seismicity during 2009~2015 in Alberta, Canada, shows strong spatial and temporal correlation with hydraulic fracturing activities, and the conclusion is that hydraulic fracturing induced earthquakes (M>3.0); (3) In the Groningen gas field in Netherlands, studies revealed strong correlation between induced seismicity and gas depletion starting from 1991 and identified a close link between induced seismicity and reservoir compaction resulting from extraction of gas. The conclusion is that the gas production induced the earthquake (ML3.6) in 2012, which significantly caused damage in the local area; (4) In Sichuan shale gas production field, China, studies suggest that both the long-term injection of wastewater and short-term shale gas hydraulic fracturing correlate with the increasing seismicity, there have been different views on the cause of sizable earthquakes (ML5.7, 5.3) occurring in late 2018 and early 2019 in the shale gas production area. Studying induced seismicity due to industry activities has been one of the major efforts and become a research field in the scientific community. Besides revealing spatial and temporal distributions of induced seismicity, this review summarizes analyses of induced earthquakes from seismology, geomechanics, and structural geology. Developing solutions to the mitigation of earthquake risk during industry activities has been another major effort. This review introduces various theoretical and practical approaches to address the subject, including induced seismicity monitoring and management system, probability estimation methods, and risk assessment using geophysical and geological data, and also presents suggestions to address the issues in China.


