• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P


Repeating earthquakes and temporal changes of the Earth's inner core

  • 摘要: 地球内核是地球最中心的圈层,它的一个很重要的特性是在几年至十年的尺度上存在着明显的时变性. 利用重复地震经过内核的波随时间的变化给内核的时变性提供了最有力的且毫无争议的证据. 然而时变信号的来源仍有待商榷. 一般解释认为与内核的差速旋转有关;另一个解释为内核边界的快速变化. 最新的研究表明,内核的时变信号主要来源于内核的内部而非边界. 这一新发现排除了内核边界作为时变唯一信号来源的可能性. 最简单而合理的解释依然是内核的差速旋转:内核以每年0.05°~0.1°的速率相对于地幔超速旋转,并有变速旋转的可能性,使得内核浅部不均一的横向结构发生位移,重复地震的体波沿着固定路径传播时会采样到不同的内核结构而产生时变信号. 这一模型可以解释此前研究观测到的所有时变信号. 内核时变现象和其成因的探究对于我们认识地球深部的运行方式,尤其是磁场的运行机制,有着重要的启发意义.


    Abstract: One of the most intriguing features of the Earth's inner core is its temporal variability over decadal time scale. Time-varying sesismic waves traversing the inner core, from high-quality repeating earthquakes, provide unequivocal evidence for the feature. However, the mechanism of the temporal change remains in debate. There have been two competing models, differential rotation of the inner core shifting its lateral heterogeneities and the rapid localized changes of the inner core boundary (ICB). Recent studies suggest that the time-varying seismic waves originate from the interior of the inner core, rather than the ICB. Consequently, the model of differential rotation provides so far the simplest and most reasonable explanation. Inner core is inferred to rotate at the rate of 0.05~0.1 degree per year, with the possibility of decadal fluctuation. The model can reconcile all the time-varying signals observed in previous studies. The investigations on the temporal change of the inner core and its mechanism shed lights on understanding the inner workings of our planet, especially the operation of the geodynamo.


