• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P


Review on crustal anisotropy investigations beneath the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau based on azimuthal variations of receiver functions

  • 摘要: 地震各向异性提供了地壳和地幔在过去及现今变形情况等关键信息,对理解地球内部结构及深部动力学过程至关重要. 接收函数是探测地下速度间断面、物质组成和各向异性的常用手段,具有较高的横向分辨率. 近年来,基于接收函数方位变化分析地壳方位各向异性的方法被广泛应用到青藏高原隆升和扩展机制的研究中,构建了青藏高原较高分辨率的地壳各向异性图像. 本文首先介绍了关于青藏高原隆升扩展的主要模型、地震各向异性的成因机制和利用接收函数分析地壳各向异性的研究方法. 然后对近年来基于接收函数方位变化研究青藏高原地壳各向异性的进展进行了详细介绍. 最后总结了存在的不足和主要认识. 尽管目前对于地壳各向异性的成因机制仍存在争议,这些研究对于青藏高原的地壳各向异性特征提供了重要的观测约束,同时对于高原隆升扩展机制具有重要启示意义. 基于接收函数方法较高的横向分辨率和越来越多的密集台阵观测,未来有望观测到更多的地壳变形细节,在深部动力学过程研究中发挥重要作用.


    Abstract: Seismic anisotropy provides key information about the past and present deformations of the crust and mantle below and is crucial for understanding the interior structure of the Earth and deep dynamic processes. Receiver function is a frequently used method with high lateral resolution to detect velocity discontinuity, composition and anisotropy. In recent years, investigating crustal azimuthal anisotropy based on the azimuthal variations of receiver functions has been widely applied to the study of the uplift and expansion mechanisms of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. This paper first briefly introduces several main models regarding the uplift and expansion of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, the formation mechanisms of seismic anisotropy, and the methods for analyzing crustal anisotropy using receiver functions. Then the recent advances in studying crustal anisotropy of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau based on the azimuthal variations of receiver functions are introduced in detail. Finally, based on the current research status, this paper briefly summarizes the challenges and conclusions. Although the formation mechanisms of the observed crustal anisotropy remain controversial, these studies provide important observational constraints on the crustal anisotropy characteristics of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and significant implications into its uplift and expansion mechanisms. Based on the high lateral resolution of the receiver function method and an increasing number of dense seismic array observations, it is expected that more details of crustal deformation will be observed in the future, which will play a significant role in the study of deep dynamic processes.


