• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P


The mantle transition zone structure beneath the Qinghai-Xizang-Pamir Plateau and dynamical implications

  • 摘要: 青藏—帕米尔高原是现今海拔最高、规模最大、最为活跃的陆-陆碰撞造山带,是理解大陆高原隆升机制、发展大陆动力学的绝佳场所. 本文系统总结了近年来青藏—帕米尔高原地幔过渡带(MTZ)结构研究的成果,结合多种地球物理观测,讨论了青藏—帕米尔高原隆升、天山陆内造山、MTZ含水性质等一系列关键科学问题. 青藏高原最显著的特征是喜马拉雅地体中部和拉萨地体西部MTZ厚度的显著增加(约15 km),其中前者主要是由于660-km 间断面(d660)的显著下降,后者主要是由于410-km间断面(d410)的抬升,分别指示了拉萨和羌塘岩石圈增厚拆沉进入MTZ. 本文总结提出的青藏高原岩石圈渐次拆沉模型,刻画了青藏高原先存岩石圈对印度—亚洲大陆碰撞的动力学响应,同时强调了岩石圈拆沉对青藏高原隆升变形以及天山的复活起到了重要作用. 帕米尔高原西侧兴都库什d660的剧烈下降(25~30 km)表明印度岩石圈近垂直俯冲并到达MTZ底部. 西天山MTZ结构更支持塔里木岩石圈向西天山的近水平俯冲导致天山岩石圈的增厚拆沉. 哈萨克地台下方向西天山的倾斜地幔上涌可能是古天山地幔柱的残留,形成了西天山广泛分布的陆内玄武岩并对现今西天山地壳上地幔结构产生了重要的影响. 塔里木盆地西部d410的显著下降表明该区域存在深部地幔上涌. 此外,青藏高原中西部MTZ较干而帕米尔高原MTZ富水并在d410上方脱水形成部分熔融的低速层,可能对兴都库什区域印度岩石圈的深俯冲起到了促进作用,这些分析表明了MTZ含水性质的非均一性与复杂性.


    Abstract: As the highest, largest and the most active collisional orogenic belt on the Earth, the Qinghai-Xizang-Pamir Plateau provides pivotal opportunities for understanding uplifting mechanisms and continental dynamics in response to the India-Asia collision. In this study, we reviewed the recent geophysical observations beneath the Qinghai-Xizang-Pamir Plateau, especially the mantle transition zone (MTZ) structure, providing new insights into several key issues such as the uplifting mechanism of the continental plateau, intracontinental orogenesis of the Tianshan and water content in the MTZ. As for the MTZ structure beneath the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, one striking feature is the significant depression (15–20 km) of 660-km discontinuity beneath Himalaya, which indicates the presence of the detached Lhasa lithospheric mantle (~26 Ma) at the bottom of the MTZ. The results also show ~15 km uplift of 410-km discontinuity (d410) and small d410 amplitude beneath the western Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, which we ascribe to the more recently delaminated Qiangtang lithosphere (~15 Ma). The significantly thickened MTZ (~15 km) beneath the central Himalaya and the western Lhasa suggests stepwise lithospheric delamination beneath the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, highlighting the pivotal role of the lithospheric delamination in the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and reactivation of the Tianshan intracontinental orogenic belt. As for the MTZ structure beneath the Pamir Plateau and Tianshan, the results show that the d660 below the central Hindu Kush is extremely depressed by 25–30 km, providing direct evidence for the deep subduction of Indian lithosphere into the bottom of the MTZ and suggesting different mechanisms for continental collision between the Hindu Kush and Pamir Plateau. Considering that the d410 is slightly depressed by ~8 km beneath the western Tianshan, deep subduction of the Tarim lithosphere is likely excluded and its subhorizontal indentation into the Tianshan is preferred. The results also show significant 15–20 km depression of the d410 mainly beneath the southern Kazakh Shield, which is consistent with the low-velocity anomaly in tomographic models and thus attributed to the mantle upwelling from the MTZ, providing evidence for the fossil Tianshan plume responsible for the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene basaltic magmatism (74–52 Ma) at the western Tianshan. The d410 is depressed by ~10–15 km beneath the western Tarim Basin, which is interpreted to be caused by the mantle upwelling originating from the area beneath the d410. In addition, the water content in the MTZ beneath Qinghai-Xizang-Pamir Plateau and its potential dynamical implications is complicated. Specially, there is a partially molten low-velocity layer above the d410 beneath the Pamir Plateau due to dehydration of the hydrous MTZ, which may facilitate slab movement in the deep mantle. In contrast, the MTZ is anhydrous beneath the central and western Qinghai-Xizang Plateau based on several observations. These analyses suggest heterogeneity and complexity of the water content in the MTZ.


