• ISSN 2097-1893
  • CN 10-1855/P


A look-back to the 50-year exploration of Jupiter's atmosphere

  • 摘要: 木星是太阳系中最大的行星,也是自转速度最快的行星. 作为一颗气态巨行星,木星没有海陆分布、复杂地形等因素的影响,是研究大气动力学的天然试验场. 木星的大气成分、大气环流、内部结构特征等都具有重要的科学意义. 1973年12月4日,先驱者10号飞掠木星,实现了人类第一次木星大气近距离探测. 如今木星探测已经积累了50余年的经验,发射了10次木星任务:7次飞掠任务、伽利略号与朱诺号两次环绕任务、正在飞行途中的木星冰卫星探测任务. 本文简要回顾了这10次探测任务及其取得的科学成果,重点关注木星的大气成分、波动和急流、大红斑、极地涡旋等方面取得的进展,并指出一些尚未解决的科学难题. 我国计划于2030年左右发射天问四号,对木星系进行探测. 回顾过去的木星探测任务,对于天问四号如何合理设计科学载荷、制定科学目标等具有一定的借鉴意义.


    Abstract: Jupiter is the biggest and fastest-rotating planet in our solar system. As a gas giant without land–sea distribution or topography, Jupiter is an ideal natural laboratory for studying atmospheric dynamics. Jupiter's atmospheric composition, atmospheric circulation, and internal structure are all topics of scientific significance. On December 4, 1973, Pioneer 10 achieved its closest approach to Jupiter, marking the first successful exploration mission to the Jovian system. Since then, Jupiter exploration has gathered more than 50 years of experience with 10 missions, including 7 flyby missions, 2 orbiting missions, Galileo and Juno, and the still en route mission Jupiter Icy moons Explorer (JUICE). This review takes a brief look-back to these 10 Jupiter missions and their science results, especially the progress on Jupiter's atmospheric composition, waves and zonal jet streams, the Great Red Spot, and polar vortices, as well as the unsolved scientific problems. China plans to launch Tianwen-4 by 2030, targeting the Jovian system. To shed some light on the scientific payloads and target design of Tianwen-4, reviewing the past Jupiter missions has certain significance.


